. The population concentration is mostly in East Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, and Western Europe; where 2/3 of the worlds population resides.
Sparsely populated regions are places where humans don't like to settle down. People don't like dry lands, wet lands, cold lands, and high lands.
Population density tells you the distribution of people in comparison to available sources. Such as arithmetic density, physiological density, and agricultural density.
So the population concentration is not in that of sparsely populated regions, such as extreme dry lands and very wet lands. Population density can tell you how dense a population is at a given place. Population is more dense in Asia and Western Europe.
Sub Topics
East Asia-
1/5 of the worlds population live in East Asia. China is the 3rd largest country in the world.China is very overpopulated in the urban areas, and 2/3 of Chinese work as rural farmers. You can say that China has a heavy physiological density. Japan and South Korea are also in East Asia. They also have no equal population distribution. 1/3 of the people live in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan and Seoul, south Korea."3/4 of all Japanese and Koreans live in urban areas and work at industrial or service jobs." (Textbook, pg49)
Japan Population Concentration Map |
South Asia-
The basic demographic of South Asia is:1/5 of the worlds population is also in South Asia. South Asia includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. India is the second most populated country, and has "3/4 + of the South Asian population concentration"(textbook, pg 49)
Southeast Asia-
Java, Sumatra, Burneo, Sulwei, and the Philippines all make up Southeast Asia. In Java alone there are 100 million people. And Indonesia is the fourth most populous country. The people here also work as farmers and live in rural areas just like in China.
The arithmetic density is 1/9 of the worlds population abides here, in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Russia( the European portion). Unlike Asia, Europe is more urban, with more than 3/4 of the people live in cities and roughly 1/4 live rural. In the result of not having as many farmers, European countries are thankful that globalization is in play. With globalization, they import food from other countries.
Eastern North America-
2% of the world lives here, from the Boston to Chicago. Less than 5% of the people are farmers. The agricultural density in European countries is not great there aren't that many farmers and not so much air able land.
Dry Lands-
They are places that are too dry for farming. People can't live there because they needed water to grow crops, and without water, you're without crops. Although deserts are not good for agriculture, they have oil reservoirs. Some people live their because of oil.
Wet Lands-
In wetlands you can get up to 90 inches of precipitation a year! But they can be used to grow crops, even though a lot if people don't live their.
Cold Lands-
The North and South Poles are covered in solid ice, or permafrost. Very few animals and people can survive the extreme cold.
Highlands are high elevations. People cannot withstand the deep snow, and thin air. For example, Switzerland is 1000 miles above sea level, but only 5% of the worlds population can live there. There is not that much ecumene here because of the harsh conditions.
For more information on Popular density please go here
#2:Where has the world's population increased?
The natural increase of fertility, balances out the mortality rate. So whenever someone dies, somebody else is born basically. So the population has increased in western countries because their infant mortality rate is low, life expectancy is at a high place right now.And doubling time wouldn't help nor hurt us because our NIR is below 0.
Sub Topics-
Crude Birth Rate(CBR)- is the total number of live births for every 1000 people living in society.
Crude Death Rate (CDR)- Total number of deaths for every 1000 citizen
Natural Increase Rate(NIR)- percent by which a population grows by year.
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)- The average number of kids a woman will have between 15-49.
#3: Why is population increasing at different rates in different countries?
Because different countries could be going into different stages of demographic transition at different times for different things. For example, countries in different stages of demographic transition, are Cape Verde ,stage 2(became stage 2 after antimalarial campaign) and the crude birth rate got higher. Chile,Stage 3, (moderate growth, NIR above 1%). Denmark, stage 4,( Low growth, CBR=CDR). And Also Demographic transition and world population growth. Sudden drop on birth rate that comes from changing social customs.
Sub Topics
Demographic Transition-" a process with several stages, and every country is in one of them."(Textbook pg 58)
Stage 1: Dependence on hunting and gathering. In 8000 BC, population began to grow. In 8000 BC there were 5 million people. Then in 1750 AD, there were 800 million people because of agricultural revolution.
Stage 2: CDR goes up, CBR stays the same. The NIR is high and population grows rapidly.The Industrial revolution happened in England in the late 18th century, later came to America in the 19th century.Food and water were protected against contamination. And medical technology started in the 2nd stage.
Stage 3: Moderate growth. CBR begins to drop sharply. Asia and Latin America progressed into becoming stage 3.Decline in CBR because of social customs and differences.
Stage 4:Low growth. CBR declines to reach CDR. NIR is 0. And there is zero population growth (ZPG). Stage 4 know what there total fertility rate is, the average amount of babies you will have in your child bearing years.
for more information please go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_birth_rate
#4: Why might the world face an overpopulation problem?
Malthus thought that since the world is getting bigger and bigger, then we won't have enough food for everybody so we are all going to die.You can reduce natural increase by using condoms, and/or abstaining from sex.
Sub Topic-
Population Growth vs. Food Supply:
Malthus thought that people increase genetically and food increases arithmetically. He thought that we are all going to run out of food and essentially die.
Higher Death Rates- because of the food shortage.
Low Birth rates- because the mothers would be dieing out due to starvation.
For more information on Malthus please go to http://www.allaboutscience.org/malthus-faq.htm
The Population pyramid is a bar graph that shows age and gender groups on a bar graph with 5 year intervals.
awesome thats very interesting!
ReplyDeletegreat work. iI am proud of you.